Official Tourist Information Site
of Ravenna

Suetonius and Martial

Svetonio (70 d.C. – 126 d.C)
De Vita Caesarum, A, 49, 1
(…) But when the senate declined to interfere, and his opponents declared that they would accept no compromise in a matter affecting the public welfare, he crossed to Hither Gaul, and after holding all the assizes, halted at Ravenna, intending to resort to war if the senate took any drastic action against the tribunes of the commons who interposed vetoes in his behalf (…)

Marziale (40 d.C – 104 ca d.C.)
Epigrammi, XIII, 21
Mollis in aequorea quae crevit spina Ravenna
non erit incultis gratior asparagis.

Further information

A cura della Redazione Locale

Last edit:15 December 2020

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