Travel to Ravenna

Not far from the Adriatic sea, RAVENNA is a city located in the north-east of Italy, about 75 km away from Bologna.

It is the second-largest municipality in Italy, and it is one of the most beautiful cities of art in Emilila-Romagna.

Its 35 kilometres of coastline, from North to South, host 9 different beach towns: Casalborsetti, Marina Romea, Porto Corsini, Marina di Ravenna, Punta Marina Terme, Lido Adriano, Lido di Dante, Lido di Classe and Lido di Savio.

An efficient network of highways, railways and airports make Ravenna easy to reach, connecting it with the entire surrounding territory.

Accordion Content

The fastest way to get to Ravenna is by road or highway.

From the North

The main road link connecting Ravenna to the rest of Italy is the A14 highway from Bologna. It also connects with A1 highway (Autostrada del Sole), A21 (Torino-Piacenza) and A22 (Autostrada del Brennero). 

From the South

Besides A1 and A14, worth a mention are SS16 Adriatica state road and 3 bis Tiberina state road (Orte-Cesena-Ravenna), better known as E45, connecting Terni with Ravenna.

From Venice

The fastest route is SS309 Romea, which connects with the roads coming from Padua and Ferrara (SS16 Adriatica).

Ravenna features a large number of parking areas, both paid and free.

Ravenna is connected with some very important regional and extra-regional airports.

Bologna Airport (Bologna)

ForlĂŹ Airport (ForlĂŹ)

Rimini Airport (Rimini)

Ancona International Airport (Ancona)

Venezia Airport (Venice)

Inaugurated in 1863, the railway station of Ravenna is located right in the heart of the city centre, just 200 metres away from the limited traffic zone (in Italian ZTL – Zona a Traffico Limitato).

The railway station has two entrances: Piazzale Farini 1 (main entrance) and Via Antico Squero (Darsena area). The service is carried out by Trenitalia and Trasporto Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna (TPER).

In the area in front of the railway station are:

Several suburban bus routes connect Ravenna to other Italian cities, with departure and arrival point in Piazzale Aldo Moro, behind the railway station.


ROUTE: Ravenna-ForlĂŹ-Cesena



  • ROUTE: Ravenna – Beach towns of Comacchio
  • ROUTE: Codigoro -Comacchio – Porto Garibaldi – Ravenna 
  • ROUTE: Mesola – Lido Nazioni – Porto Garibaldi – Ravenna
  • ROUTE: Conselice-Lugo – Bagnacavallo – Ravenna


ROUTE: Ravenna – Roma (Fiumicino)


ROUTE: Milano – Beach towns of Ravenna (only in summer)


ROUTE: Carpi/Modena -Beach towns of Ravenna – Mirabilandia (available only in summer)


“When I want to understand the Italian history, I take a train and travel to Ravenna “
(Arnaldo Momigliano)