Fifteen lines from the Divine Comedy, six streets of the city centre, and all around is Christmas.
From 27 November to 6 January, the streets of Ravenna dress up with La Luce delle parole, a project of light installations that recall some of the Supreme Poet’s most emblematic words, many of which celebrate the city.
For the Dante celebrations, this project outlines a bright path through the porticoes and buildings of the city: it is a real homage to the Father of the Italian language and — at the same time — it wants to be a message of hope, wishing that soon we will “see-once more-the stars” (Inferno XXXIV, 139).
Via Gordini, via Diaz, via Corrado Ricci, via Mazzini, via IV Novembre, and via Cavour: these streets of the city centre turn into literature under the open sky.
If you want to immerse yourself in this poetic atmosphere, you can listen to the original canto from which the glowing hendecasyllables are taken: you just need to scan the QR code you see under the installation to listen to the work directly on your smartphone or tablet.
Purgatorio XXXIII, 145
“puro e disposto a salire a le stelle”
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Inferno I, 1
“Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita”
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Paradiso XXXIII, 1
“Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio”
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Purgatorio II, 112
“amor che nella mente mi ragiona”
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Inferno XXVI, 119
“fatti non foste a viver come bruti”
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Paradiso I, 1
“la gloria di colui che tutto move”
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Paradiso XXXIII, 145
“l’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle”
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Inferno V, 103
“amor ch’a nullo amato amar perdona”
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Paradiso XI, 77
“amore e maraviglia e dolce sguardo”
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Inferno XXXIV, 139
“e quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle”
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Purgatorio XXVIII, 2
“la divina foresta spessa e viva”
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Purgatorio XXVIII, 20
“per la pineta in su ‘l lito di Chiassi”
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Inferno XXVII,40
“Ravenna sta come stata è molt’anni”
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Purgatorio I, 71
“libertà va cercando, ch’è sì cara”
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Purgatorio I,1
“per correr miglior acque alza le vele”
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Inferno V, 103
“Siede la terra dove nata fui”
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