Official Tourist Information Site
of Ravenna

Ravenna Festival • Theatre of Voices

via di Roma, 52 -
23 - 24 June 2020

One of the greatest vocal ensembles in the world, the Theatre of Voices will perform on the occasion of the Ravenna Festival inside the Basilica of S. Apollinare Nuovo on Tuesday 23 June and at the Cloister of the Classense Library on Wednesday 24 June.

Founded by Paul Hillier in 1990, the ensemble is known for its extensive repertoire of contemporary music, often juxtaposed with early music. For the first concert, the Theatre of Voices will sing the Cantiones Sacrae, three sets of motets written by William Byrd in the 16th century for Queen Elizabeth, which stood out for their musical audacity, sacredness and technical variety. The second concert focuses on its mulifaceted refinedness between old and new, sacred and prophane.

Tuesday 23 June

Basilica of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, via di Roma 52
Theatre of Voices
| 9pm
Paul Hillier artistic director
William Byrd Cantiones sacrae


Wednesday 24 June

Cloister of the Classense Library, via A. Baccarini 3
Theatre of Voices: Music for a Sound-House | 9.30pm
Theatre of Voices
Paul Hillier artistic director

Music for a Sound-House
Music from Tudor’s London and New York’s contemporaneity:
Orlando Gibbons, John Taverner, Michael Gordon, David Lang, William Byrd, Julia Wolfe

Orlando Gibbons, The Cries of London I
Orlando Gibbons, The Cries of London II
John Taverner, In nomine
Michael Gordon, A Western
David Lang, Solitary (8-singer version)
David Lang, Again
William Byrd, Pavan and Galliard, In nomine II
William Byrd, Fantasy II à 6 (o Tristitia et anxietas)
Julia Wolfe, Guard my tongue


Further information


  • via di Roma, 52 -



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Last edit:29 December 2020