The weekend on Saturday, 29 and Sunday, 30 March will celebrate, as usual, the return of spring, colouring the gardens and terraces on display in the wonderful venues of Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste and Piazza Kennedy.
Against these suggestive backdrops, visitors will admire all sorts of plant arrangements created by professional nursery gardeners and landscape designers, discovering many ideas to decorate with style their homes and gardens.
To follow this spring’s fashion, look to all the previews on display: many dresses, bijoux and accessories will be on display. A runway-show will bring spring on the catwalk with the best hairstylists of Ravenna, and the students of Scuola del Benessere (well-being institute) CNA Ravenna.
The exhibition also includes urban gardens, vegetarian and vegan tastings as well as local artisan food; the local market by Campagna Amica; original and unique handmade products by craft shops. Don’t miss these days of green runways, meetings, projects and ideas.
Free admission