Chosen for the exhibition dedicated to Dante “Un’Epopea POP“, held at MAR in 2021 on the occasion of the 7th centenary of Dante’s death, the installation SACRAL by Edoardo Tresoldi becomes part of the permanent collection of the Ravenna Art Museum.
MAR is the first public museum to acquire a work by Edoardo Tresoldi, defined as the artist of “absent matter” and of the cathedrals of wire mesh, named by Forbes as one of Europe’s most influential artists under 30 in 2017.
This large-scale sculpture was selected for the contemporary art section to ideally reinterpret the Castle of the Great-hearted Souls, an iconic place described by the Supreme Poet in the 4th canto of Inferno. It is described as a noble castle inhabited by those who left honour and fame on the earth, men and women who were great-hearted for their moral qualities but destined to eternal suffering because they lacked theological virtues.
Installed in the 16th-century cloister of the Ravenna Art Museum, Sacral will continue to give visitors the possibility to retrace this journey by entering ideally the Noble Castle and phisically the work of art – also thanks to the valuable support of Marcegaglia.
When: Friday 30th September, from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm
The event will be accompanied by a dj set by Derek Allen from London and by the famous saxophonist Alessandro Scala from Ravenna.
A refined but dynamic duo for a musical journey from afro jazz to deep house, from nu jazz to electro jazz and soul.