From 23rd March to 12th May, the noble halls of Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste in Ravenna host NOVECENTO RIVELATO an exhibition of paintings by Alberto Salietti (Ravenna, 1892 – Chiavari, 1961), curated by Claudio Castellini and Paolo Trioschi on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the artist’s death.
Salietti is considered as one of the main protagonists of Italian figurative art of the early 20th century, and is presented as such to the city where he was born and with which he has always had a close relationship. Painter, engraver, mosaic and fresco artist, Salietti has been a reference point for artists in Romagna, mainly between the two World Wars.
Thanks to the analysis of the painting production of the artist, it is possible to identify some simple and primary themes, constant references in his research: Interni con figura (interiors with figure), Paesaggi (landscapes) and Nature morte (still life).
The exhibition – presented in the six halls of Palazzo Rasponi – is completed by a focus on his “pictorial diaries”: notebooks in which from 1935 to 1960 the artist captured his impressions of daily life and his artistic thoughts.