From 15 February to 22 March, the event “Novecento Rivelato” is bringing to Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste the exhibition L’Artista Fuorilegge dedicated to the sprightly local artist Enrico Galassi.
Born in Ravenna in 1907, Enrico Galassi was a well-rounded artist who worked with great contemporary artists, such as De Chirico, Savinio, Carrà, De Pisis, of which will be on display some works.
Mosaicist, painter, architect and poet, he opened an art atelier in Rome after WWII. Condemned during his youth to the so-called ‘Damnatio Memoriae’ for taking part to a fascist group in Ravenna—as the title ‘The Outlaw Artist’ itself recalls—he never came home. His city paid him nevertheless homage after his death, with a dedicated exhibition in Galleria Mariani in 1970.
Along with this exhibition, Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste will also host Omaggio a Ferriano Giardini.
Curated by Alberto Giorgio Cassani, with the support of the Culture Department of the Municipality of Ravenna and Associazione culturale Tessere del ‘900.
Free admission