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progetto WaVE

North Adriatic Sea Port Authority

la sede dell'autorità di sistema portuale del mare adriatico centro-settentrionale ripresa dal Candiano

The North Adriatic Sea Port Authority manages and controls the operations and the infrastructures of the port. Ravenna’s port is located in a key area of the city, between the urban area and the production one – a location that is a symbol of the quest for a closer relationship between ports as places of production and trade and cities as places of life. In this respect, the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority also took part in the REMEMBER project that focuses on the promotion of harbour areas by tracing the story of the companies in the port. The participation of the Port Authority to this and other projects highlights its great interest in being part of international networks and integrating in the European framework to face present and future challenges.

Edited by the local editing team

Last edit: 8 November 2021